Top 10 Most Popular Website in India - rapertimes

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Top 10 Most Popular Website in India

Top 10 Most Popular Website in India

Top 10 Most Popular Website in India

Hello friends I'm in front of you with your second post today in Anshuman. Specially Thanks to Blogger Amit Only they gave their feedback. "Nice and unique blog". In today's post we will know what our country INDIA ke Top 10 most popular website is. In the last post we had to know about World Top 10 most popular website. So let's know

# 1. Google India: Top Rank Website in India


Google India is a part of Google. In search after this, the page of Indian website only shows in the result. From the very beginning, India has been a huge market. Google is a huge market in India. Google is now marketing itself in Rural India too. Google started Larry Page and Sergey Brin in 1998. Today Google is providing almost all services and tools. Such as Gmail, Google Drive for Document Storage, and more to send and receive electronic documents. World's most trusted company in Google Advertisement.

#2. Youtube: Rank 2 Website in India


Who does not know about Youtube? Youtube is a video streaming site. As you share video, Monetizing Video can help you reduce money by Youtube. Its started on 14 Feb 2005 by Steve Chen, Chnad Hurley and Jawed Karim. The first video on Youtube was uploaded by Javed Karim on 23 April 2005.

First Video on Youtube Uploaded by Javed Karim on 23rd April 2005

On Youtube you can also upload your video as well as any Video Search. Today almost all Tutorial Free of Cost is available on Youtube. Being a Video Tutorial, the user is able to see and understand.

# 3 Google: Rank 3 Website in India


Google is a American multinational comapny. Google's founder Larry Page and Sergey Brin, who started G0oogle in 1998. Google CEO is now Sundar Pichai. Google is a search engine. Well, who does not know about Google? Anyone who knows how to use Internet User must know about Google. You may also be reading this article on Guruji Tips Blog by doing Google Search. With the help of Google Search Engine, User Text, Image and Video can search anything. Initially Google came to Market with Search Engine Concept But today many Google products are available in the Online Market.

# 4. Faccbook: Rank 4 Website in India


Facebook name is enough. Many people understand Facebook then Internet. Launching Time of Facebook was very accurate and seeing the world became Number One Social Media Platform. Facebook started Mark Zukerberg on 4 Feb 2004 in his collage days. There are monthly 2 billion active users on Facebook. This is a multilingual platform. Here is a profile of people who know almost everyone. By creating Facebook profile you can contact people from any corner of the world. In Facebook we can share any photo, video, or convey the message of your mind as a status to the logo.

# 5. Yahoo! Rank 5 Website in India


Yahoo is a method of web portal and or else it is also a search engine of the method. It was started on March 2, 1995 by Jerry Yang and David Filo. Yahoo also provides many types of services. Like yahoo answers, yahoo search, yahoo mail, yahoo directory, yahoo finance, yahoo news, etc. Yahoo also provides a social media website that is quite popular in the US.

# 6. Amazon: Rank 6 Website in India


Amazon is an online shopping and cloud computing company. Its started on 5 July 1994 by Jeff Bezos. Amazon is the largest retail shop in the world of internet in today's world. Amazon used to do Books Sale only in its starting time, then slowly DVD, Audio books, software, games and today it has become the world's largest retail shop. Now Amazon produces and assemble itself as many products as Kindle E-reader, Fire Tablet, Fire TV and Latest Product Echo.

# 7. Wikipedia: Rank 7 Website in India


Wikipedia is free online encyclopedia. Jimmy Wales and Larry Sanger started Wikipedia together and now Wikipedia is run by Wikipedia Foundation. It started in 15 Jan 2001. Initially it was started in English language only but now supports Wikipedia 295 language. Wikipedia now has approximately 40 million articles in 250 languages. So far, it has got 18 billion pageviews and comes with 500 million unique Page Views every month. The most important thing on this site is that you can also edit this article.

# 8. Online SBI: Rank 8 Website in India

URl:; Customer Service: 1800112211

Online SBI is an Internet banking portal. This facilitates online access to your customer. Online SBI Portal use tax Banking related can do all the work.

# 9 Flipkart: Rank 9 Website in India

URL:; Customer service: 1800 208 9898

Flipkart is online shopping website. This company was started by Sachin Bansal and Binny Bansal on 05 September 2007. Headquarter of Flipkart is in Banglore, India. Flipkart is India's largest online retail store. You can buy 24 * 7 from here. There are almost all kinds of products available here. Flipkart is a Indian based successful eCommerce Company.

# 10. LinkedIn: Rank 10 Website in India


Linked In is a Business and Employment Oriented Social Networking Site. Which started in 28 December 2002 and launched 5 May 2003. This is a Professional Networking Website. You can call it Job Portal. Employers Job Post and Job Seekers CV Post. This is a social media platform that represents Real World Professional Relationship.

So this was the Top 10 most popular website in India Hope you guys would have enjoyed reading this information. If you want to know anything more then tell me in the comments that I will cover that topic.

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